How to hire a B2B lead generation company for your sales team

11 minute read

people discuss lead generation strategy

Sales teams in the B2B space face unique challenges when it comes to generating leads. Selecting the right B2B lead generation company to partner with is crucial to ensure the success and growth of your business. In this blog, we’ll discuss key factors to consider when evaluating potential B2B lead generation companies for your sales team and provide practical tips for making an informed decision.

Identifying Your Sales Goals and Lead Generation Needs

Before beginning your search for B2B lead generation companies, it’s essential to establish your sales goals and lead generation needs. Define your target audience, ideal customer profile, and the desired volume of leads. This will help you identify the right company to align with your sales objectives. Additionally, consider the types of leads you’re looking for, such as marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) or sales-qualified leads (SQLs), and any industry-specific requirements.

Evaluating the Lead Generation Company’s Experience and Expertise

When evaluating B2B lead generation companies, their experience and expertise should be top priorities. Look for a company with a proven track record of success in generating leads within your industry. Assess their knowledge of your market, as well as their ability to create and execute effective lead generation strategies. Request information on their past clients, successful campaigns, and any industry awards or certifications they have received.

Assessing the Company’s Lead Generation Methods and Strategies

B2B lead generation companies use various methods and strategies to generate leads for your sales team. When evaluating potential partners, consider the following:

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and request examples of their work to ensure their methods and strategies align with your goals.

Analyzing the Quality of Leads Provided by the Company

The success of your partnership with a B2B lead generation company largely depends on the quality of leads they provide. Assess their methods for qualifying and scoring leads, and ensure they prioritize quality over quantity. You may also want to request a sample of leads or a trial period to determine if the company can meet your expectations.

One critical aspect to consider is how the B2B lead generation company measures lead quality. They should have a clear definition of what constitutes a high-quality lead and a system for tracking and reporting on lead quality metrics.

Reviewing the Company’s Client Testimonials and Case Studies

A reputable B2B lead generation company should have positive client testimonials and case studies showcasing their results. These can provide valuable insights into the company’s effectiveness and help you make an informed decision. Look for testimonials that mention the company’s responsiveness, professionalism, and ability to deliver high-quality leads.

In addition to testimonials, request case studies from the B2B lead generation companies you’re considering. These should provide detailed information on the strategies used, the results achieved, and the impact on the clients’ sales performance.

Calculating the Return on Investment (ROI) for Your Sales Team

Partnering with a B2B lead generation company is an investment. Calculate the potential ROI by considering factors such as the cost per lead, conversion rates, and the average deal size. Choose a company that can deliver a positive ROI for your sales team.

Additionally, discuss the company’s pricing model, as this can impact your ROI. Some B2B lead generation companies charge per lead, while others use a subscription or performance-based pricing model. Determine which pricing model best aligns with your budget and lead generation goals.

Considering the Company’s Customer Support and Communication

Effective communication is key when working with B2B lead generation companies. Look for a company that offers excellent customer support, maintains regular communication, and is responsive to your needs and concerns. Establish communication channels and reporting frequencies to ensure you’re always up to date with the company’s progress and any changes in strategy.

Ask about the company’s account management structure and whether you’ll have a dedicated account manager. A dedicated account manager can help facilitate smooth communication and ensure your needs are addressed promptly.

Evaluating the Company’s Adaptability and Continuous Improvement

The B2B landscape is constantly evolving, and the best lead generation companies should be able to adapt and improve their strategies to stay competitive. Inquire about how the company stays current with industry trends and best practices, and whether they invest in ongoing training and development for their team.

Additionally, ask about their approach to continuous improvement. A great B2B lead generation company should be open to feedback, willing to make adjustments, and committed to delivering the best results for your sales team.

Assessing the Company’s Technological Capabilities

Effective lead generation often involves leveraging technology to identify, engage, and nurture leads. When evaluating B2B lead generation companies, assess their technological capabilities, including:

  • The tools and platforms they use for lead generation, tracking, and reporting
  • Their ability to integrate with your existing CRM or marketing automation systems
  • Their expertise in data analysis and insights to optimize lead generation strategies

Making an Informed Decision for Your Sales Team’s Success

Finding the right B2B lead generation company for your sales team requires thorough research and evaluation. By considering the factors discussed in this blog, you can make an informed decision that will contribute to your sales team’s success and business growth. Remember to prioritize experience, expertise, lead quality, and communication when selecting a B2B lead generation partner. Ultimately, the right company should align with your goals, deliver a positive ROI, and help your sales team reach new heights.

Integrating a B2B Lead Generation Company into Your Sales Process 

Integrating a B2B lead generation company into your sales process can drive significant growth for your business. In this blog, we’ll discuss strategies for effectively incorporating a B2B lead generation company into your sales process to optimize results and provide practical tips to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing success.

Defining Your Sales Process and the Role of a Lead Generation Company

To successfully integrate a B2B lead generation company into your sales process, begin by defining your sales process and outlining the specific role the company will play. This may include lead generation, lead qualification, or lead nurturing. By having a clear understanding of the company’s role, you can better align your expectations and set achievable goals for your partnership.

Collaborating on Lead Generation Strategies and Target Audience

Collaborate with the B2B lead generation company to develop effective lead generation strategies that align with your sales goals. Work together to identify your target audience, and ensure their methods and tactics are tailored to attract the right prospects. Establish regular communication and strategy review meetings to continuously refine and improve your lead generation efforts.

Aligning Lead Generation Efforts with Your Sales Team’s Goals

Ensure that the B2B lead generation company’s efforts are aligned with your sales team’s objectives. Establish clear goals and expectations for the partnership, and regularly review progress to ensure both parties are working in sync to achieve the desired outcomes. This alignment is critical to maintaining a strong working relationship and driving consistent results.

Implementing Lead Scoring and Prioritization Systems

To optimize the integration of a B2B lead generation company into your sales process, implement lead scoring and prioritization systems. This helps your sales team focus on the most valuable prospects, increasing the likelihood of converting leads into customers. Work closely with the lead generation company to develop and refine these systems, ensuring they align with your sales team’s objectives and capabilities.

Establishing a Seamless Handoff Process between the Lead Generation Company and Your Sales Team

Create a seamless handoff process to ensure a smooth transition between the B2B lead generation company and your sales team. This may involve setting up shared tools and platforms for lead management, establishing communication protocols, and defining clear roles and responsibilities for each party. A well-defined handoff process helps prevent leads from falling through the cracks and ensures a positive experience for your prospects.

Monitoring and Measuring the Performance of the Lead Generation Company

Track the performance of the B2B lead generation company by monitoring key metrics such as lead volume, lead quality, and conversion rates. This enables you to assess the success of the partnership and make data-driven adjustments to improve results. Establish regular reporting and review processes with the lead generation company and use these insights to refine your strategies and optimize your sales process.

Adapting and Improving the Sales Process Based on Feedback and Results

Continuously assess the effectiveness of the integration and adjust as needed. Gather feedback from both the B2B lead generation company and your sales team to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to optimize the sales process. Encourage open communication and feedback between all parties and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Training and Onboarding for Both the B2B Lead Generation Company and Your Sales Team

To ensure a smooth integration, it’s essential to provide adequate training and onboarding for both the B2B lead generation company and your sales team. This includes educating the lead generation company on your products, services, and value proposition, as well as training your sales team on the new lead management processes and tools. This investment in training will help maximize the effectiveness of your partnership and ensure all parties are working together efficiently.

Achieving Sales Growth through Effective Lead Generation Integration

Integrating a B2B lead generation company into your sales process can drive significant growth for your business. By implementing the strategies discussed in this blog, you can maximize the value of your partnership and set your sales team up for success. Focus on clear communication, collaboration, and continuous improvement to ensure the best results from your partnership.

Remember that integrating a B2B lead generation company is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process that requires consistent attention and adaptation. Stay open to feedback, be willing to adjust, and maintain strong relationships with both your sales team and the lead generation company to ensure long-term success.

By following these guidelines and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, you can unlock the full potential of your partnership with a B2B lead generation company and drive sales growth for your business.

In-House vs. Outsourced Lead Generation: Which Is Right for Your Sales Team?

A strong lead generation strategy is essential for driving sales growth in the B2B space. Businesses often face the difficult decision of whether to handle lead generation in-house or outsource it to B2B lead generation companies. In this blog, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches and provide practical tips for determining which option is best suited for your sales team.

In-House Lead Generation: Pros and Cons


  • Control and customization: Managing lead generation in-house allows you to maintain greater control over the process and customize your strategies to fit your business needs.
  • Alignment with your brand and messaging: An in-house team is likely to have a deeper understanding of your brand and messaging, which can lead to more targeted and effective lead generation efforts.
  • Direct communication and collaboration: In-house lead generation allows for more seamless communication and collaboration between your sales and marketing teams.


  • Cost and resource-intensive: Building and maintaining an in-house lead generation team can be expensive and requires significant resources, including hiring and training staff, investing in technology, and managing the ongoing costs of salaries and benefits.
  • Limited expertise and scalability: An in-house team may have limited experience or knowledge in specific lead generation tactics, making it difficult to scale and adapt to market changes.

Outsourced Lead Generation: Pros and Cons


  • Access to specialized expertise: B2B lead generation companies have specialized knowledge and experience in generating leads, allowing your sales team to benefit from their expertise.
  • Cost-effective: Outsourcing can be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house team, as you only pay for the services you need without the added expenses of salaries, benefits, and training.
  • Scalability: B2B lead generation companies can quickly scale their efforts to meet your growing needs or respond to market changes.


  • Less control and customization: Outsourcing lead generation may result in less control over the process and limited customization options.
  • Potential misalignment with your brand and messaging: B2B lead generation companies may not have the same level of understanding of your brand and messaging, which could lead to less targeted efforts.
  • Communication and collaboration challenges: Working with an external company may present communication and collaboration challenges between your sales team and the lead generation company.

Determining the Best Approach for Your Sales Team

To decide whether in-house or outsourced lead generation is right for your sales team, consider the following factors:

  1. Budget and resources: Assess your budget and resources to determine if you can afford to build and maintain an in-house team or if outsourcing is a more cost-effective option.
  2. Expertise and capabilities: Evaluate your sales team’s current expertise and capabilities in lead generation and determine if partnering with a B2B lead generation company could fill any gaps.
  3. Control and customization: Consider the level of control and customization you desire in your lead generation efforts and weigh the benefits of in-house versus outsourced options.
  4. Scalability and adaptability: Assess your sales team’s ability to scale and adapt to market changes and determine if outsourcing could provide the flexibility you need.

Considering a Hybrid Approach

If you’re still unsure whether to choose in-house or outsourced lead generation, a hybrid approach may be the best solution. This involves outsourcing specific lead generation tasks to B2B lead generation companies while managing other aspects in-house. Determine which aspects of lead generation your team excels at, and which could benefit from external expertise.

Tips for Successfully Managing a Hybrid Lead Generation Approach

  1. Establish clear roles and responsibilities for both in-house and outsourced teams.
  2. Maintain open and regular communication with the B2B lead generation company to ensure alignment and collaboration.
  3. Regularly review and adjust your lead generation strategies based on feedback and results from both teams.
  4. Train both your in-house team and the outsourced company on your brand, products, and value proposition to ensure consistent messaging.
  5. Monitor and measure the performance of both your in-house and outsourced lead generation efforts to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Choosing the Right Lead Generation Approach for Your Sales Team

Choosing between in-house and outsourced lead generation—or a combination of both—depends on various factors, including your business’s unique needs, resources, and goals. By weighing the pros and cons of each approach and considering the tips provided in this blog, you can make an informed decision that drives sales growth and success.

Remember, the key to successful lead generation, whether in-house or outsourced, lies in maintaining clear communication, monitoring performance, and continuously adapting and improving your strategies. By doing so, you can maximize the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts and set your sales team up for success.

In the end, whether you choose to keep lead generation in-house, partner with B2B lead generation companies, or adopt a hybrid approach, the most important factor is ensuring that your chosen strategy aligns with your sales team’s objectives and contributes to your business growth.

The Power of B2B Lead Generation Companies in Fuelling Your Sales Team’s Success

In the fast-paced world of B2B sales, partnering with the right B2B lead generation companies can make a significant impact on your business’s growth and success. Throughout these three blogs, we have explored various aspects of finding, integrating, and evaluating the best lead generation partners for your sales team, as well as understanding the advantages and disadvantages of in-house and outsourced lead generation.

To recap, we looked at the crucial factors to consider when selecting the best B2B lead generation companies for your sales team. By evaluating their experience, expertise, lead quality, pricing models, customer support, adaptability, and technological capabilities, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and delivers a positive return on investment (ROI).

Then, we focused on integrating a B2B lead generation company into your sales process to optimize results. By defining your sales process, collaborating on lead generation strategies, aligning with your sales team’s goals, implementing lead scoring and prioritization systems, and establishing a seamless handoff process, you can maximize the effectiveness of your partnership with a lead generation company.

Lastly, we compared the pros and cons of in-house versus outsourced lead generation and provided guidance for determining the best approach for your sales team. Whether you choose to handle lead generation in-house, outsource it to B2B lead generation companies, or adopt a hybrid approach, it’s essential to consider your budget, resources, expertise, control, customization, scalability, and adaptability.

As you reflect on the insights shared throughout these blogs, remember that the ultimate goal of partnering with B2B lead generation companies is to fuel your sales team’s success. By making well-informed decisions, maintaining open communication, and continuously evaluating and refining your lead generation strategies, you can unlock the full potential of your partnership with a lead generation company.

In conclusion, when it comes to B2B lead generation, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The most effective approach for your sales team will depend on your unique business needs, goals, and resources. However, by keeping the key principles outlined in these blogs in mind, you can make informed decisions that drive sales growth and success.

Don’t be afraid to explore different B2B lead generation companies, strategies, and approaches, as each business is unique and requires a tailored solution. The key to success is being willing to adapt, learn, and grow. By embracing this mindset and continuously refining your lead generation efforts—whether in-house, outsourced, or a combination of both—you can ensure that your sales team remains competitive in the ever-evolving B2B landscape.

Ultimately, partnering with the right B2B lead generation company, like 360 Leads, and adopting an effective lead generation strategy can be a game-changer for your sales team. By leveraging the expertise and capabilities of these companies, you can empower your sales team to reach new heights, exceed their goals, and drive meaningful growth for your business.